[Demo] How To Write Copy For Each Level Of Awareness
Copy not converting? It’s probably because you’re not writing to your target’s awareness level.
Different awareness levels call for different types of copy.
But the problem with most noobs is they write as if everybody is at the same level of awareness.
This, in return, keeps the copy from converting and you from cashing BIG checks.
How do you fix this?
I’m going to show you. Not by talking. But through demonstration.
In order to do so, I’m going to assume I’m selling a product that helps you quit coffee (random, generic idea off the top of my head).
Let’s call this x product.
Now I’m going to show you how I would sell this product to people who fall in all the different awareness levels.
Once you understand this, you can create better ads, landing pages, sales letters, and emails according to the awareness level of your target. It’s the single biggest advantage I’ve ever gained when it comes to copywriting, so pay close attention here.
The 5 awareness levels as popularized by the legend Eugene Schwartz are as follows:
L1: Clueless
L2: Problem Aware
L3: Solution Aware
L4: Product Aware
L5: Most Aware
Below is the structure/flow my copy would take for EACH of these awareness levels. Same product, different structure.
L1: Clueless Target
These targets are clueless about their problem. If I start pitching them on using my product to quit coffee, they’re not going to get it. They’re going to think what the fuck? Drinking coffee isn’t even a problem, so why are you trying to get me to quit? That approach isn’t going to work.
That’s why when it comes to writing sales copy for this awareness group, we must go indirect and “CREATE” the problem BEFORE we can persuade them to use our product to quit coffee.
Here’s the structure the copy would take:
“Create” the problem by leveraging a BIG IDEA
Prove why it’s a problem
Prove what this problem is costing them/severity of problem
Prove what they stand to gain by solving this problem
Introduce solution
Explain what it is and tie it to BIG PROMISE
Introduce USP and how it works
Showcase proof
State price through price anchoring
Trigger imagination and how great it’ll be to use x product to experience the BIG promise
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: 5 Hidden Dangers In Your Morning Coffee or 5 Silent Killers In Your Cup Of Coffee
Now let’s move onto the next awareness level.
L2: Problem Aware Target
This target knows drinking coffee is a problem. But she probably doesn’t recognize the severity of the problem. Or else, she would’ve taken action by now and solved her problem. To get the person who falls in L2 awareness to take action and buy our product, we must raise the severity of the problem and motivate her desire to act. Here’s the structure I would take:
Briefly call out the problem
Explain the severity of the problem
Explain how bad things will become if she doesn’t change
Dive deeper into the consequences/corner the reader and highlight exactly what she stands to lose by not taking action
Offer light by introducing the solution
Explain what it is and tie it to BIG PROMISE
Introduce USP and how it works
Showcase proof it actually works
State price through price anchoring
Trigger imagination and how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to experience the BIG promise
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use an indirect headline such as: The Truth About Coffee: Are You Still Paying $5/Day To Lower Your Lifespan By x Years?
See how that speaks directly to the target? The target knows of the problem, but she hasn’t done anything about it yet. The headline above calls her out directly and speaks to her current awareness level. That’s what you got to do, my friend.
Let’s keep it moving...
L3: Solution Aware Target
This target knows of the problem and knows solutions exist for quitting coffee, but he doesn’t know of your solution. Chances are he’s probably tried some solutions, but failed. So he’s in this
weird limbo state where he recognizes the problem, knows solutions exist, but hasn’t found the right one that actually works for him.
In this case, here’s the structure I’d use:
Introduce different solutions for quitting coffee
Build empathy and make the prospect feel understood by saying things like “You’ve probably already tried x, y, z to kick your coffee habit to the curb, but nothing worked, right?”
Discuss limitations of solutions on the market
Explain how the reason these solutions don’t work is because they’re all missing x USP (this is the same USP your product has)
Explain the significance of this USP and how it’s the missing ingredient they need to quit their coffee addiction
Showcase proof this USP actually works/highlight success stories
Segway the USP into introducing your product
Explain what it is/how it works
Highlight more proof
Relink the USP of your product to the BIG promise/how crucial it is for them to solve their problem.
State price through price anchor
Risk reversal
Trigger imagination and how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to finally experience the BIG PROMISE
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: “The Best & Worst Ways To Quit Coffee (Don’t Attempt To Quit Without Reading THIS!)”
See how that’s tailored to his exact awareness level? People in this awareness level would eat that up because it speaks to where they currently are at.
Let’s keep it moving...
L4: Product Aware Target
This target knows of the problem, knows solutions exist, and knows of YOUR solution (but probably isn’t as sold on your solution as he needs to be to buy). So in this case, the entire copy
needs to be heavy PROOF driven to push him over the edge. And into making a buying decision.
Here’s the structure I’d use:
Proof your solution works
More proof
More proof
More proof (you can use success stories, testimonials, whatever)
Explain how the reason your solution actually works is because of your USP
Explain the significance of this USP and how it’s the missing ingredient they need to quit their coffee addiction
Showcase more proof this USP actually works/highlight success stories
State price through price anchor
Risk reversal
Trigger imagination & how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to finally experience the BIG PROMISE
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: “PROOF x Product Has Already Helped xxx,xxx Quit Their Coffee Addiction & Experience [BIG PROMISE]. Only Question Is... Will You Be Next?”
L5: Most Aware Target
These targets know they have a problem, know solutions exist, know of your solution, and are pretty sold on it. All they need is a compelling price/offer and you got em.
Here’s the structure I’d use:
State the offer
Inject urgency/scarcity
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: Limited Time Deal: Get X Product For Just $xx (Savings Of $xxx).
Note #1: L5 Awareness requires the least amount of copy because people already know everything about your product and just need a compelling offer to buy.
Note #2: It’s interesting to note that most shitty e-commerce brands write ads as if people are in L5 awareness. All they do is include a photo and write: “Get yours now for just $xx (save $xx) by clicking the link below!” That’s effective if someone is in L5 awareness, but if you’re creating ads for people in lower levels of awareness (which is likely), it’s not enough to generate the sale
(unless the offer is really really really good.)
So there you have it. I hope that helped you see how different awareness levels call for different copy/flows. This is why it’s crucial to know which level of awareness your audience is in.
Otherwise you’ll write randomly and lose their attention.
We must always write according to the conversation the target is already having inside their head.
Otherwise we fail.
Study the structures above to see exactly how we do that.
That’s it for this week's copy class! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it.
For past editions of copy classes, you can go here:
Cheers and have a great week!
Your friend,