Want To Make More Money With Copy? Do These 3 Things
If you’re good at copy, you should be making at least $200k/year.
If you’re not making $200k/year, then you’re not good at copy.
That’s the bad news.
Good news?
Making $200k/year (and more) is now within your control because all you have to do to make that is get good at copy.
Question now becomes, how do you get good?
You get good by doing these three things daily:
Action 1/ Read a piece of winning copy – Top to bottom and out loud, so you can see the ease and flow of good copy.
Action 2/ Analyze a piece of winning copy (the same one you read) – Pick out the target and the elements:
USP: what makes the offer unique
BIG IDEA: central idea that captures attention
BIG PROBLEM: core problem the offer solves
BIG PROMISE: core benefit the offer delivers
PROOF: proof that other targets have experienced the big promise
Bonus (if relevant): Problem mechanism and solution mechanism.
Action 3/ Write 500 words of copy – After you’ve read and analyzed a piece of winning copy, it’s time to write. Could be ads, emails, landers, top of the funnel thread, sales page, whatever. But you want to write 500 words daily.
Don’t get lost in thoughts of:
“Will I use this?”
Just write. Even if you never look at it again, it’s okay. Purpose is to write, write, write. This is how you’re going to get good.
So do that daily.
In addition to the above three things, you can also supercharge your progress by doing the following:
Learning a proven system for writing copy (this will allow you to improve your 500 words of daily copy) and submitting the copy you write either to the market or to a copy mentor to get feedback/ripped to shreds (this is the fastest way to make gains).
More you do the above, the more effective you become.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Focus on executing the above three things every single day for 12 months and it becomes very difficult to not get good at copy (and make bare minimum: $200k).
Your friend,